Thread: emailing quotes
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Old December 24th 06, 10:06 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default emailing quotes


i have OE6 running on XP home edtion.

anytime i get an email with quotes in it from a preceeding email i sent, i
think "i must learn how to do that. it looks so good."

then of course i never do it. i tried searching "google groups" and am not
having any luck choosing the right keywords.

for example, i just got an email with nice, blue vertical lines running
adjacent to my quotes. how do i get this function?

or simply, how do i get text from a prior email and put it in quotes when i
send it back to the original mailer?

this is getting rather befuddling. i'm not sure i'm even asking the question
in an intelligible manner.

