Message rules won't operate on the BCC field. What you can do is
something like this:
1. Create a folder for mail addressed to you. File Folder New, give
it a name and locate under Local Folders.
2. Go to Tools Message Rules Mail, click New. In the New Mail Rule
window, check "Where the TO or CC line contains people" in the Conditions
box. Check "Move it to the specified folder" and "Stop processing more
rules" in the Actions box. You should now see a generic description of
the rule in the third box.
3. Click on "contains people" in the Description box. Type your email
address in the top box of the resulting Select People box and click Add.
If you have more than one address, repeat for each until all are listed.
Then click OK.
4. Click on "specified", select the name of the target folder, and click
OK. The Description box should now specify the rule in complete detail.
Supply a name for the new rule and click OK. You can click the Apply Now
button to open a box that will allow you to apply the rule to messages
already in the Inbox.
The result of this rule is that all messages addressed specifically to
your email address(es) will be moved to the specified "good" folder upon
receipt, and messages not so addressed will be left in the Inbox, where
they can be quickly scanned and deleted. You can modify the rule to take
action on messages not addressed to you by clicking the Options button in
the Select People windows and changing the first option to "Message does
not contain the people below".
You can of course modify the action to highlight messages in color or to
delete them from the server without downloading them. However, deleting
messages from the server automatically risks losing good messages that
were sent with your address in the BCC field, which is not accessible or
even visible in OE.
AAH wrote:
Can you please give some more details to create a
message rule in OE6 about this BCC trick.
I could try it.
And also by deleting my Primary email address from
oe6 and using the secondary something
like ???? AT, will it
improve the siruation?
"Gary Smith" wrote in message
It's a bit difficult to understand what you're saying, but maybe this will
help. The "To:" address you see is not the address that's actually used
to route the message. It's something liike the internal address on a
paper letter. The address actually used to deliver the mail is on the
envelope. Email messages also have envelopes with extermal messages used
to deliver the mail. Most mail readers do not display the envelope.
In most mail sent by honest people, the envelope address and internal
address will be the same. However, spammers do not fall into the category
of honest people, so the internal address is frequently bogus (as is the
From address in most cases.)
There are various ways to filter out mail that you don't want, but none is
100% effective. You could create a rule that would delete all messages
where the internal address does not match your own, but that would
probably also flush mail from legitimate mailing lists and messages when
the recipients are listed in the BCC field.
AAH wrote:
Message addressed to
Ronnie Austin"
Come through to my email. the only thing
matches to my email address is
after AT
This message addressed to:-
Quite often I get similial messages.
Is there anyway to stop this sort.
Any help would be appreciated.
Gary L. Smith
Columbus, Ohio