distribution list
I create the list by going into the contacts, then NEW, DISTRIBUTION LIST.
Then I select members and name the list "Service Advisors". Once the list is
made I try and send an email to the list, by clicking on the list in the
contact list with the right mouse button, and select "new message to
contact". It puts the name of the list in the To: field, but it is not
underlined, nor does it have the + sign in front of it. If I try to send
the message, it says something like Service Advisor is not a valid email and
it gives me some choices to make (can't remember exactly what they are).
If I go back and view the distribution list all 13 names & email address's
are there.
Thanks for your assistance..
I did these exact steps on another PC at work and it worked perfectly..
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote in message
How are you creating the list? How are you selecting this list as the
recipient? What is the error message you get and what steps produce it?
Russ Valentine
"Charles Shapiro" wrote in message
Hi All.
I am trying to create a distribution list (in Outlook) on a PC running
Windows XP and Office 2003 professional. I have been able to create the
list on another computer, but not on this one, I create the list and when
I try to create a new message to send, it acts like the name of the list
is not valid and it wants an email address. The name does not come up
underlined in the TO: field like it should. I have these lists at home
and at work and all except this one work as designed. I have deleted and
recreated the list, but it 's always the same result.
Any ideas?