Just go to the "Outlook Express backup" folder and open it in Explorer, then
use Ctrl+A to select all files in the folder, and right click with the
mouse, selecting Properties and clear the "Read-Only" attribute before
attempting an Import. Failing to do so will result in an unsuccessful
Jim Pickering, MVP/Windows Mail applications
Please reply ONLY to newsgroup.
"Sportsluvr" wrote in message
I read the 'simple back-up' instructions on
When I copied the .dbx files (from the 'store folder') first to another
folder (I created a new folder on desktop called 'outlook express backup')
and then copied all 'dbx files from that new folder to my DVD, when I went
'right click' properties on those files, it said 'read-only'.
What happens if I need to 'Import' any of those .dbx files via the 'import
function' in OE? Would I first need to copy them (.dbx) back to the
desktop, then run an 'import' in OE for each .dbx individually as that
change them from being 'read-only'?
Am I better off just copying each .dbx file directly from the 'store
to my DVD and not first copy them to another folder on my 'desktop'?
[Note my OE properties for each .dbx (which I right click a folder in OE)
still properly references the correct 'store folder' under the
data/identities' subfolder.]
Thanks for your help!