Read receipt
Poprivet wrote:
rob wrote:
How can you request a read receipt in outlook express 6, without the
person at the other end knowing that you have requested one.
Is there some software or a website reference the above??
Can't be done with OE or most any mail client. That's because that's how
spammers operate; they use invisible graphics that report to them whenever
you open one of their spams. It'd be irresponsible to do that.
You probably mean "*Can* be done ...", because that's the case. I.e.
if spammers can do it, then any somewhat smart person can do it. Whether
the tracking is *successful* depends on the smartness/non-dumbness of
the recipient, but because most people have no clue on how these things
work/can-be-prevented, the success-rate is quite high.
There is a company which offers this "service" (also for use with OE).
And no, I won't say which one, because I see no reason for 'helping'
dishonest people (*not* you) / companies.