Strange Email Occurance
....or his machine is /still/ infected.
~PA Bear
Jim Pickering wrote:
That sounds like your father is using a template to send mail rather than
using the Create new Mail button on the Toolbar in Outlook Express. And
are probably listed on the BCC line in that template, which is why you
will see your address. Only the original sender (in his/her Sent Items
folder) can see the filled in BCC line.
"ColTom2" wrote in message
Now I am getting all emails that dad sends out regardless as to they are
too. I have asked him to delete both me and his sons email address's from
his computer and reboot. Hopefully he will do so this time to see if it
makes any difference.
Again when I open one of dad's emails that I receive and hit Cntrl+F3 to
open Message Source data my email address appears up in the server's
traffic, but nowhere does it list me in TO, CC. BCC, or otherwise.
I am beginning to think more in what PaBear has mentioned that dad has
infected computer or corrupted OE.
Thanks for all the replies. If I ever find the cause I will certainly
"ColTom2" wrote in message
I am receiving confirmation of an email sent by a cousin to his dad. The
strange thing is how can I receive an email confirmation when I was not
All three of us have different ISP's. My cousin has his email settings
receive confirmation of receipts, but again how can I be receiving a
confirmation when he sends his dad an email and his dad opens it? In
addition, all emails that his dad sends him I get a copy even though I am
not an addressee.
This is mind boggling and I sure hope someone can tell me what needs to
be accomplished to prevent this from happening.