In Outlook Calendar, how to print daily pages for Franklin Planner
I have not seen that stype of print out -- but if you still have access to
one of the old computers check out the old page setup and style definitions.
The default values were probably changed at some point but there are a ton
of settings for the defined styles
"Barb" wrote:
We recently converted to WinXP from Win2000. In Outlook 2000 under Win2000
we used to be able to print individual daily calendars in 2/page format for
the Franklin Planner Classic with the days appointments on the left and a
notes page on the right and the next day on the back side. No matter what
combination of print styles and paper types I use I can't get it to print in
Win 2003 so that it can be inserted in the new 2006 planners in the same
format. If I use the duplex feature (short side) under Properties it prints
the appointments on one side and the notes on the reverse side of the paper.
If I don't use the duplex feature (short side) it prints in the right format,
but only on one side of the paper. Can you please help?