You can reduce the problem if you turn off the Preview Pane (View,
Layout) to avoid the delays with OE searching for hyperlinks. You can
add a button to the tool bar for this.
However, you'll still run into the problem after OE completes the
combine and presents the completed message. That's because OE doesn't
support yEnc and treats it as simple text. In that case, OE searches
for hyperlinks in the text and for a large message that can take a while
(several minutes). It you are patient, it will eventually finish and
you can proceed with a manual decoder for yEnc.
To avoid the problem, use a yEnc decoder that runs as a proxy server.
That converts the yEnc before OE sees it (typically to Uuencode) and
avoids the hyperlink searching in the combined message. You still need
to turn off the preview pane to avoid the problem for partial messages
before combining.
For some additional information, see the yEnc section of:
Decoding Internet Attachments - A Tutorial
Mike -
"don kirk" wrote in message
When I try to combine and decode a yenc file OE6 stops responding
before the first file is downloaded. I tried Microsoft knowledge base
and didn't get any help. Sure would appreciate it if someone could
enlighten me on this one.
Thanks in advance, Don