disable archive
I is vital that outlook never ever archive or deletes information in calender
or contacts, my story so faris...
Backup fails because if deleted the backup is also deleted.
When I need infornation I need it immediately, no time to start searching
archived data.
Updates sometimes chasnges my archive setting without telling me. Also there
is too may places id not notally dedicated that can averride my settings.
Ma current methods is to modify the reistry as follows:
Key Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\ Outlook
Name: DisablePst
Data: 0x1
This works but it prohibites using PST files in outlook. You must do after
importing PST files.
In a perfect world I would love to disable the default archive properties in
desktop items, for every thing once and for all.
I was thinking of writing a simple at batch file to run from a disk that has
my custom setting for the times when I have to reinstall microsoft OS and
Office when system craches.
Note to microsoft developers. Software is only a tool for supporting my
business activities, whereas for microsoft it is there reason for existance,
which are fundimentally different.
Data cannot arbitarily disappear almost on a whim without me make that
decision only. There does not exist in business an excuse what so ever to
give me unsolicitated help no matter how well intended.
This is the reason that I am asking this question. Software should assist me
not require my assistance to maintain it.
Ok, I feel better.
Now does any one face the same problem how do you solve archiving of date.
This Deja vue issue is not what it use to be
Thanks Chris