Attachment problem
DavidS wrote:
Thanks everybody!
As you can see I am a confused, old silver surfer. Of course I am
using Outlook Express SIX. Perhaps I was just anticiapting SEVEN.
I shall tell my friend that it is up to him to set his computer so that
my (jpg) are not open when he receives them. I hardly dare ask -
Where are the settings to do that because I will have to set mine for
the ones he sends me.
Thank you for being so tolerant!!!!
As you are talking about one specific person (your friend), you
(probably) are also talking about one specific email program ("client"),
i.e. the one he uses. *Which* email client is that? I.e. name
and version. If we know, we might be able to give specific instructions
for him to follow.
For *your* side, it's simple: Tools - Options... - "Read" tab -
tick (i.e. "V") the "Read all messages in plain text" option. Done.