outlook 2002 problem
It is not a good idea to use a different version of Outlook. I would
just stick with your Outlook 2002.
If you have questions about Outlook Express you may want to try
asking in the Outlook Express group.
Nikki Peterson
"Seeker" wrote in message
Hi nikki
Cable speed is my isp.
do you know if there is any way I can just go buy outlook 2003 I dont
want office just out look ??? or does outlook express do multiple
"Nikki" wrote:
I use COX as my ISP. What is your ISP?
You may want to use their server SMTP info. Your ISP can give
you the information.
Nikki Peterson
"Seeker" wrote in message
first of all thank you for the response. I tried what you said and
have any luck. I even went to the microsofts website and snooped that
but i have a question for ya.
you mentioned that you typed in your cox email address. which was
Ok so I tried that. but question for ya is my in coming and
servers are mail.cablespeed.com should I change that too
smtp.cablespeed.com ??
let me know I still could use any help here