email from excel cell
I know I can get excel 2003 to send an email with cc, bcc, subject and body
from a
cell by entering the follwing statement into that cell:
Subject%20Message&cc=e-mail address;&bcc=e-mail address;&body=Text%
When I send this email the recipients will receive the email with the
message "Text of the message", in outlook
What I want to do is to send as an email, from a cell in excel, an "OutLook
Task" and an "OutLook Appointment", such that when the recipient opens the
the email outlook will open to the Task module or the Appointment mudule,
which they can then save to outlook
Needless to say, the information send via the excell link will be very small
The email will open to outlook's Task or Appointment
I am looking for a statement that will allow me to do this...