How Can Search Be Made For A Name Previously Added To The Blocked List
If they are in Blocked Senders:
OE | Tools | Message Rules | Blocked Senders List | Highlight the first
address on the list | Click: Modify | Type in address you want to remove.
Prompt: "This address already exists, are you sure you want to replace it?"
Click Yes. The address will now be at the top of the list. Remove it.
Note that the address that was at the top of the Blocked Senders list may
also be removed. You might want to copy it down in case you need to re-enter
If they are in a Message Rule:
To find an address in a message rule, click on Contains in the bottom box to
open the Select People box and click on the first address. Tap the key for
the first letter in the address and one-by-one each address beginning with
that letter will be revealed until you find the one you are looking for.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Jamess B. Holladay" wrote in message
Under message and mail rules, is there a way to search for an
which you would like to remove from the blocked list? In other words you
have previously blocked and sender and now you want to remove them form
blocked list but the list is so long you can't locate them without looking
500 or more names. Can you conduct a search based on address? How do you