IE isn't printing either. I was thinking of upgradinf to IE7 (?)
I have also tried the :
"Start Run regsvr32 ole32.dll OK ", but it hasn't made any difference.
The funny thing is that I don't even get an error message. I have also
noticed that I cannot setup the page (in IE) to which to print.
I havealso tried to re-install IE/OE but without any success.
At this point I am just short of re-installing Xp from scratch.
Thaks again
Antoniazzi SrL
"Steve Cochran" ha scritto nel messaggio
Can you print in IE? See www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#12
"Gianpaolo" wrote in message
I have a small problem and I haven't got the foggiest of how to solve it.
For some odd reason OE will nopt print any email. I have tried the push
button and through the file - print route bu to no avail.
I am using Win XP pro SP1 - updated to Sp2 through the update method.
Any ideas