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Old January 26th 06, 08:11 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Robert Garrucho
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default how do I set the "show time as" field in the Outlook holiday file

I have created a custom Outlook Holiday file for my non-working holidays.
The entries created by the custom holiday file all show a "free" status for
the "show time as" field. Since these are my non-working holidays, is it
possible to create a custom holiday file where aside from adding my
non-working holidays, it also marks those as "out of office". Since they are
showing as free, my co-workers wouldn't know that I will be out office on
those days and may set meetings on those days. I know I can mark them "out
of office" individually. It would be better though if this can be set in the
holiday file.