Outlook 2007 stop working on Windows Vista
I have installed Office 2007 On windows Vista and it works great for 2
Now, suddely, Outlook 2007 stops working after 10 seconds each time I
open it.
In the event viewer I can see this entry:
Faulting application OUTLOOK.EXE, version 12.0.4518.1014, time stamp
0x4542840f, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time
stamp 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000374, fault offset 0x000af1c9,
process id 0x1608, application start time 0x01c73629626e43f0.
I suspect it has something to do with Windows Messenger since It starts
happening just after I uninstall/reinstall Windows Messenger.
I tried Uninstall/Reinstall Office 2007 and it didn't help.
Other Office 2007 applications works great.
Any idea how to Solve it ?