Is there a program or plug-in that does this?
bobdydd typed:
Hi Everybody
I am in a small distributed (geographically) design team who regularly
communicate with each other over a long periods by email.
Some conversations go on for months and people get quite passionate
about their particular point of view.
However when it comes to looking for previous emails that re-inforce a
particular current point of view, it is difficult because they are
scattered thoughout different folders etc.
I am looking for a program that will store these emails in a database
so that they can be sorted by Date, Subject, Writer etc
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Not that I know of - Outlook can store data in a PST file or you can use an
Exchange server mailbox....that's it.
However, if you use Outlook 2003 you can use Search Folders, which might
make it easier to find the stuff in multiple subfolders.