How do I send an existing letter to one of my Outlook contacts
How do I get my contacts information to load from Outlook onto the letter.
It sounds like it may be a lengthy process everytime I want to send this form
letter to one of my contacts. I need to be able to load my contacts
information onto the letter each time I need to send it to someone different.
Currently I use ACT and all I have to do there is go to my contact and click
"write" and pick the document I want to write. It loads my letter with my
contacts info. and creates a word document with my letterhead that I can save
and e-mail. I want to be able to do this from Outlook, can I?
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Cyndi wrote:
I have an existing letter in Word and need to select one of my Outlook
contacts to send this letter to. How do I do this? Does Outlook
offer this type of service? I currently use ACT and would like to
switch everything I do over to Outlook but I cannot seem to figure
out how to do this in Outlook.
In Word, click the Email button on the Standard toolbar. On Word 2003, it's
the fifth icon from the left after New Blank Document, Open, Save, and
Brian Tillman