"PA Bear" wrote in message
Have you been running ZA Free (I assume) v6.5.737 for a while without
encountering the problem?
No - as soon as I enabled ZA oe could not poll hotmail accounts.
Most of the time, the error indicates problems on MSN/Hotmail's end
(despite what they may say); by now you may have found that the problem
automagically cleared up.
As happened previously, the problem DOES NOT go away.
Here are some things you can check:
Make certain your time, date, and /time zone/ settings are correct.
IE ToolsInternet OptionsPrivacySites type in
Why would THIS make a difference - ZA disabled can poll hm - ZA enabled
cannot poll hm.
and Allow All Cookies for each domain.
Cookies ARE and have been enabled.
How to Manage Cookies (IE6)
Uninstall ZA Free (disabling it won't help) Immediately enable the
Windows Firewall.
Temporarily disable any "system" tools (e.g., Trend Micro Internet
Security) and pop-up/ad blockers to see if they're interfering.
Tried that - no change. Remember changing ZA changes polling - nothing else
affects polling.
If you use a router, you may need to adjust MTU values:
IE Tools Internet Options Advanced HTTP 1.1 toggle on/off; "Use
HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections" must *not* be checked.
IE Tools Internet Options Security [zone in OE runs; should be
Restricted Sites] Custom Level User Authentication Logon toggle
between the setting choices here [All options EXCEPT 'Automatic logon only
in Intranet zone' work for me; currently 'Anonymous logon' is checked]
Resetting either or both of the above Tabs to the defaults might help,
I did NOT have any trouble polling hm prior to installing ZA.
I keep telling you - ZA changes make polling turn on/off - why suggestions
unrelated to ZA.
~PA Bear
anon wrote:
see added info inline.
"anon" wrote in message
See inline.
"PA Bear" wrote in message
Windows and IE versions, please?
w xp home, ie 6.0
Have you ever been able to access the account in OE?
Is that the entire error message?
Unable to poll for new messages ...Server:
The rest of the message had some more ports etc mentioned.
Complete error message follows:
--start copy---
Outlook Express
Checking -Inbox- for new messages.
Headers Downloaded: 0 (of 0) 1
Tasks Errors
-Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: ?my name?.
Server: http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail asp. Protocol: HTTP
Mail. Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No. Socket Error: 12019. Error Number:
- Header download forthe Bulk Mail?folder did not complete. Account: ?my
name, Server: http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail asp?,
HTTP Mail, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No. Socket Error: 12019, Error Number:
- Header download forthe ?lnbox?folder did not complete. Account: ?my
Server: http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail asp?, Protocol:
Mail, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No. Socket Error: 12019, Error Number:
1 of 16 tasks have completed successfully
--end copy---
Why do you suspect that ZA may be blocking the access?
When ZA is active no polling, when ZA inactive all accounts accessed and
ZoneAlarm version:6.5.737.000
TrueVector version:6.5.737.000
Driver version:6.5.737.000
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear) MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
anon wrote:
When I 'poll' my hotmail accounts from oe I get the following
message -
Unable to poll for new messages ...Server:
I have added http://services.msn.com to firewall list - no luck.
I think I remember that thee are supposed to be THREE sites added to
list but don't know what they are.