Pictures from safe senders are not displayed in Outlook (others ar
Somehow, my outlook (which has been installed for ages) now will not display
images from some senders. These senders ARE in my safe senders list, and
contacts. (In fact they are all colleagues, in the same mail domain as my
email address i.e. The red-X is displayed instead.
If I reply or forward their message, then the pictures appear ok in the new
I have turned off the options for blocking picture display, in an effort to
isolate the problem. Pictures from other senders display correctly!!.
My colleagues are also using Outlook 2003.
Very frustrating - I seem to have the opposite of what is ideal where my
colleagues are blocked.
I would prefer all my colleagues inline pictures/images are displayed
without restriction, and other 'external' senders pictures are only displayed
if i choose to on a per-email basis.
Anyone have any clues ideas on this? (please dont quote me the
Tools/Options/Security/ChangeAutomaticDownloadSettings - been there, done
I've explicitly added (and removed) senders and domains form safe senders.
They are not in blocked senders.
I NEED YOUR HELP. This is drving me crazy.