It's immensely useful! Try the By Category view to see all your contacts grouped by category, ready to mail merge any single category. Since an item can have multiple categories, you can classify items without creating duplicates when classifications overlap. If you have a project, give each item related to that project a common category; then you'll be able to find all items related to that project using Advanced FInd, no matter which folder they're in.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"Paul van den Akker" wrote in message ...
Outlook 2003 SP2
What's the use of the "Category" field ?
I gave every contact a category but can not use this field in any useful
Outlook help states that it can be used to sort and select contacts. But
that's it. No nothing on how Categories can be used.
Is there something wrong with my Outlook or is this one of the microsoft
bells and whistles ?
I am triyng to be polite here and trying hard not to start a rant. Always
found the Outlook contacts a disaster, made for geeks by geeks.