Installed IE7 & now OE6 won't work... help!!!
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this problem! My
Mom has a fairly new Dell PC. She received an automatic update & IE7 was
installed. From that point on, she was unable to use her Outlook Express 6.
To make a long story short, she was advised to uninstall IE7, which she
did... however, OE6 still won't work.
She was then advised to do a "system restore" to an earlier date, which she
did.... but OE6 still won't work.
When you go into OE6, the blue box with the "Outlook Express 6" title pops
up & then the timer icon appears & it just hangs up there. At other times it
will actually proceed into OE6, but it will just show that she has 4
messages. She cannot send or receive messages or use OE6 whatsoever. It's
just frozen.
Doing the System Restore didn't help at all. I'm at a loss as to how to fix
it at this point. Any suggestions??? I would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much,
p.s. Just wanted to add that she was very happy with IE6 & just wants
things to go back to the way they were.