Hi Stuart,
Sometimes the error you receive does happen when Outlook Express (msimn.exe)
installation is damaged. Cos there's lot of files shared between the 2
programs esp for send/recv.
You wil have to completely remove and re-install Outlook Express to fix this
problem, for which you would require the Windows XP Discs.
Try doing this process -
Control Panel Add/Remove Programs Add/Remove Windows Components Disable
Outlook Express and then restart the computer.
Once back on, try enabling Outlook Express from the same menu.
If this doesn't work-out, try installing updates on Windows/Office esp try
installing SP2 for Windows XP.
Check if these steps helps, cos otherwise you will have to call MS to
re-install OE.
"Stuart Grant" wrote:
Hi Mittu
I think you are on to something. Outlook Express does NOT work on the
computer concerned. That's why I was trying to get Outlook to work.
When I click on the Outlook Express icon nothing happens. When I go to it
in My Computer and click on it - nothing happens. I tried copying the file
(Is it msimn..exe ?) from this computer. Still no reaction. I have problems
with OE over the years so I thought when Outlook opened and gave me Inbox,
Outbox etc. I was on the right track.
So the situation is that OE doesn't work at all, Outlook works but will
neither Send nor Receive. On the other hand the Internet connection over the
Wireless LAN is fine. I can surf without problems.
Stuart, Zurich, Switzerland
"Mittu" wrote:
Hi Stuart,
Seems there's some corruption with certain MAPI files wrt send/recv emails
in Outlook.
Try configuring the email account in Outlook Express and try to send some
test emails. Let me know if you are able to work in Outlook Express.
"Stuart Grant" wrote:
Hi Mittu
Sorry it has taken me so long to come back.
I downloaded the clean up utility, removed Office 2003, reinstalled it and
then downloaded all the upgrades necessary to upgrade the new installation.
This all took some time !
Then set up one e-mail account and tried Test settings. Same result as
before. Once again at Find Server for Outgoing Mail and Server for Ingoing
Mail it shows Cancelled and the Test Message is still in my Outbox.
Have you any other ideas. I'm getting a little discouraged !
Stuart, Zurich, Switzerland
"Stuart Grant" wrote:
Hi Mittu
Appreciate your help. I have the Office 2003 CD and will therefore do as
you suggest, but unfortunately i can't do it today because of other
Will let you know how it works out.
Stuart, Zurich, Switzerland
"Mittu" wrote:
Forgot about the link to download the utility,