Mail downloaded advised as not downloaded
Earlier with OE6 I succesfully dowmloaded mail to my in-box. It
contained an attachment as I could view in the preview pane. However
when trying to move it to another folder within OE6 mail I there
received the info message:
Message has not been downloaded
Outlook Express has not yet downloaded this message.
To download the message:
Click here.
Press Space.
The click here and press space "instructions" do nothing. The mail
shows, by kb size, it is more than just a header but the properties of
the message cannot be displayed.
Searching with the error message text seems to take me only to
solutions for mail that wasn't originally downloaded. I suspect the
error message I'm receiving (an info message) is a default message and
misleading as to actual cause and solution.
Any suggestions as to cause and how I might recover the mail?