I do understand: "... with one button for "yes" and one for "no". But
probably that's not enough to answer your question, is it?
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Keep your Outlook categories organized!
Am 24 Jan 2007 06:36:40 -0800 schrieb Zangel_xyz:
Merci ça fonctionne.
Est-ce qu'il n'y aurait pas une façon d'avoir un inputbox qui me
demanderait si la catégorie est "à conserver" avec un button pour
"oui" et un autre pour "non".
merci à l'avance.
On 24 jan, 01:30, "Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]"
This sample pops up the Options dialog after Send button is clicked (if
Word is the e-mail editor):
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Keep your Outlook categories organized!
Am 23 Jan 2007 15:36:51 -0800 schrieb :
I sent over 100 emails a day and I would like that a little window pop
me up to ask me what is the category of the email I'm about to send.
I need to keep the emails for xx number of days in the sent item
folder. Once a month, I must clean my sent item folder. Currently, I
open the emails one by one and delete it or move it to a personal
If I could assign a category automatically when sending an email, I
would just keep the emails I set the category to "to keep" and delete
the other emails.
I know I can click on options, choose the category, but if I forget to
do it, there will be no category for the email.
I would like Outlook to force me to assign one.
I have Outlook 2003 on a Windows XP computer.
thank for your help.- Masquer le texte des messages précédents --
Afficher le texte des messages précédents -