lost e-mails in my inbox
They just disappeared. I had a large inbox, about 2 gig worth of mail from
the last year. I wanted to archive it and clean it up but it just
disappeared. I can go to the file where it is stored and if I highlight it
and click properties, it still shows the file size at 1.9 gig +/- but when I
highlight it under IE6, it says (0 message(s), 0 unread)
So far, this is what I have done:
I copied the file on an external hard drive,
changed the name,
started IE6 and created a new file with the newly changed name,
closed down IE6, went to the location where the .dbx files are kept,
opened the external hard drive window,
dragged the newly named file to the location with the .dbx files to save it
it said the file already existed so I clicked to replace the information,
closed down everything and then opened up IE6 again.
Highlighted the newly named and saved file and still no e-mails..... but
the newly named, transferred and saved files still shows the 1.9 gig of file
Any ideas how to access the old e-mails???
Thank you in advance for your help.