importing contacts
My new boss has given me the task of creating 1 place for all of his mother's
contacts. Currently, the contacts are in a: Word document 2000 (not
necessaily in a good format), in an Access Database 2000, & in her current
"contact list" in Outlook (either 2003 or 2000- pretty sure 2003.) Some of
the "contacts" are duplicated in the 3 programs, & I also need to enter new
contacts. When this task is complete, I will need to: Create a Mailing list
for wedding invitations & Christmas Card mailing lists so that I can create
lables or print directly onto envelopes, Birthday reminders
(Calendar/Report), enable her to contact her "contacts" via e mail & create
a report of often called phone #'s. The only place that her e mail
addresses are located will be in Outlook. What is my best plan of attack?
I would love for the "contacts" to be "linked" to one another so that Access
& Outook changes will affect one another. I surely do not want to keep the
Word document.
Thanks to anyone who can help! I am confident someone can!