May be the program ChangeNames
can help you, but I`m not sure.
Peter Marchert
[EDP-Service Marchert]
Programming for Excel and Outlook
On 26 Jan., 17:11, Marla wrote:
We're on 2003. We use a contact manager and also have users with blackberries
and treos, and rarely are they set up to wirelessly synch their contacts.
Up until recently, we've had no problems with Last,First or FileAs. Now
when I drag an email into my Contacts folder, it puts it in the wrong order
altogether. For instance, if the email came from Mary B. Doe, her first name
is now B. Doe, and last name is Mary. If I get an email from Doe, Mary B.,
it comes in o.k.
When our contact manager (Interaction) synchs with Outlook, it takes the
name Ms. Maria J. Black, CPA -- and the FileAs is correct, and the Full Name
dialog box is correct, but the FullName box shows "Ms. Black J. Maria CPA"
and it alphabetizes it under "M" for Ms.
Our FileAs is by LastName,First. It absolutely doesn't make any differences
if my sort is by lastname or firstname, even after reboot.
This also creates a problem for phone users who dial their treos by voice,
because they don't know how to address the contact into the phone -- "Call
Jane Doe" or "Call Doe Jane".
Any suggestions?