Yearly reoccuring events changed to weekly!!! WHY?? AHHHHH!
I researched this issue on the internet and I found one guy who had the same
problem after he synced with a PDA. That is the only think "new" that I have
really done as well so i am assuming that that is what caused this problem
but I don't see why. I am only syncing between the computer and the device.
I got a new Sprint Pocket PC phone running Microsoft Windows mobile Version
5.0 OS 5.1.1700 Build 14352.0.1.0. I synced it with my Outlook 2003 and it
changed all of my yearly reoccuring events (birthdays) to Weekly reoccuring!!
Why? And how can i change them all back (there are 1909 of them) without
going into each one individually? I found an artlie about grouping them and
making a change then dragging them all into that group but it doesn't work
becuase I can't group them by weekly or yearly reoccurance. Please help.