First look at the folder tree list and make sure there is not a + sign next
to another folder and the lost folder is actually underneath that one and
the tree wasn't expanded.
Otherwise see here for message recovery techniques: and also see points 2 and 3 for the future. If
the file is gone then your only chance is likely to be DBXpress.
That should put a good scare into you now and so make a backup of your
important messages and other files in case your hard drive fails. How'd you
like to wake up tomorrow and your hard drive is toast and everything is lost
because you didn't make a backup?
"rapidrex" wrote in message
I created a folder under Local Folders to hold
all the info I had on a specific topic. I opened up my Outlook the other
day, and
it is GONE! Simply disappeared! I have no idea what to do, how to look
I did the obvious and searched every folder and sub folder I had to no
avail. I
need the info in this folder, and it makes me very nervous about the
of losing others, of course. Can anyone help me?
Thanks so much,
Everybody wants to go to heaven,
But nobody wants to self.