merge Word & Access & Outlook
I must admit - I'm cannot foresee everything that will all be needed but here
is best I can do: This is a job that my boss assigned to me, for his
mother, because I am the only one in the office that has much Access
Currently - I have her Christmas card "list" in Access & am able to print
envelopes & labels. Right now, there is a Word document with a list of her
frequently called #'s that she has posted near her phone. Mom recently got
a laptop computer & she has been using Outlook to email her friends. She has
saved these email addresses in Outlook.
Presumably many of these name overlap.
The original assignment from my boss was to put ALL of her "contacts" into
an Access data base combined with her Christmas card list.
I think it would be best to eliminate as many of the "double entries" as
My thought is: format the Word document so that I can export it to Outlook
&/or Access . That gets rid of one of the "double" entries. That leaves me
with: Can Outlook print out a report of names to post near her phone? &
quite possibly print a Birthday List? If Outlook can handle that, then most
of the hurdles are jumped & I need go no further. I am new to Outlook but do
not believe that it has "report" like features. So -
I know Access can do these reports. so I'm thinking that I can enter all
names into Access & export to Outlook. BUT
if she makes an e mail address change in Outlook (the only one she is a
little bit comfortable with), then that leaves me with obsolete information
in Access. So THEN I need to find out IF ( & how) I can link Outlook to
So - I'd love to have you answer all of the above, But at the very least can
you confirm that Outlook does or does not have any "report" like features.
Sorry so long - thanks for your time & will appreciate any/all answers you
can provide.