Outgoing mail add disclaimer
Hi Sue,
thank you for your quick answer. I found out that another COM-Addin occupies
the Send Event so that I am not able to determine what Addin comes and serves
Now, I tried to use the mail.read event in my own COM-Addin, or the
mail.forward, the mail.reply or the mail_replytoall event, having in mind
that the users can see and delete the disclaimer. What I now noticed is that
the event does not get hit at all....
HereĀ“s a small excerpt what I tried:
Dim WithEvents oMail As Outlook.MailItem 'Declared in Public Class Connect
Private Sub oMail_Forward(ByVal oItem As Object, ByRef cancel As Boolean)
Handles oMail.Forward
Dim eMail As Outlook.MailItem
If TypeOf oItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then
eMail = CType(oItem, Outlook.MailItem)
eMail.Body = "Test Body" & eMail.Body
End If
End Sub
.... was I completely wrong?
Thanks again for any hint...