"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
.. .
Mike Trout wrote:
Yes, and no. They, by chanCe, reference 2 different domains hosted
by the same hosting company (our ISP is different). The account name
is the same but the domain name is different and
The domain is immaterial. The mailbox is the important thing. If you
have two accounts in Outlook referencing the same mailbox, then it's a
crap shoot as to which account will download the messages from that
mailbox, since Outlook makes simultaneous connections for all of the
accounts in the same send/receive group.
Brian Tillman
Ok, define 'mailbox' then. I'm not sure exactly what you mean there.
We have a domain (call it thisdomain.com) hosted at ABCHosting. Also have
thatdomain.com also hosted at ABCHosting. The mailboxes are separate there.
I can log into the webmail for
and not see mail sent to
. She has 3 email addresses: ,
and . There are separate email
accounts (for clarity - in Outlook, Tools menu, Email accounts - there's 3
of them there). They retrieve mail from different mailboxes (respectively
, and )
Is what you are getting at is that Outlook may take a message from
and say it has been received by just