MouseWheel event not firing
I was able to resolve this (finally) - the solution is simple but not
1.) On The click event of the control you want to scroll (ie:
flowlayoutpanel), simply set focus to that control - thats it!
Even when clicking on the control or using the scrollbar, it was not
considered as 'having focus'
"aiKeith" wrote:
I have a winform UserControl that i created. It contains a flowlayoutpanel
that i want to enable scrolling on. I have tried attaching the event handler
to to this panel, to the usercontrol itself, etc., but the event never fires.
this.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(RecentActivity_MouseWheel);
this.flowPanel.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(RecentActivity_MouseWheel);
Any ideas?
tx :-)