Font issues
"Poprivet" wrote in message
Cross-posted; problem seems to be associated to both areas?
Searching reveals no help.
Probable culprit: Runing Family Tree Maker (FTM) for win95/98 without
realizing it. Problem did not occur with installation, nor with importing a
gedcom file, but after a short period of time using its features to make
Email & Newsgroups:
No Bold/Regular fonts in Subject lines to show whether it has been read or
That can happen if Display Properties, Appearance, Advanced...
has those attributes for menu item. BTDT ; )
In body: No "regular" font available; only Italic and Bold or Bold/Italic.
Italic not turned on, clicking it does nothing (in HTML mails). Same with
groups, though 99% of those are plain text.
Perhaps you should just try a new Theme?
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle