Thread: Font issues
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Old February 11th 07, 09:23 PM posted to,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
external usenet poster
Posts: 122
Default SOLVED Font issues

Thanks, Robert! You're a gentleman and a scholarg; well, you know what I

I can't recall what it was set to, but in the Advanced Properties Display I
changed the font to Vedana and all straightened itself out. Unfortunately I
didn't take note of what it -was- set to, so I can't duplicate the symptoms;
easily, anyway. I'm just glad to have it working correctly again.

Thanks again for the kick; it worked out well.


Poprivet wrote:
Robert Aldwinckle wrote:
"Poprivet" wrote in message
Cross-posted; problem seems to be associated to both areas?
Searching reveals no help.

Probable culprit: Runing Family Tree Maker (FTM) for win95/98
without realizing it. Problem did not occur with installation, nor
with importing a gedcom file, but after a short period of time
using its features to make revisions.

Email & Newsgroups:
No Bold/Regular fonts in Subject lines to show whether it has been
read or not.

That can happen if Display Properties, Appearance, Advanced...
has those attributes for menu item. BTDT ; )

Not sure just which Properties you're referring to, but Control
Panel; Display; Advanced; doesn't seem to have anything that helps. Most
of the possibilities don't have multiple font settings. In
fact, only the Menu item had them.
Without screwing up your own machine, could you be more specific
about which item you meang? I've done considerable fiddling with
that with over a couple days with no improvement.

In body: No "regular" font available; only Italic and Bold or
Bold/Italic. Italic not turned on, clicking it does nothing (in HTML
mails). Same with groups, though 99% of those are plain text.

Perhaps you should just try a new Theme?

Tried it; no luck though.

Thanks, appreciate your input!


Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
