Importing OE6 dbx files without overwriting existing dbx files
For some months I had to use another computer for my emails. Now I am back
to my usual computer and would like to import my .dbx files from my other
computer to my main computer BUT without overwriting my existing .dbx files
so that I have continuity. Is this possible and how?
I DO have rather a complex setup with folders and subfolders for some 20 to
30 persons etc I correspond with where I drag and drop all incoming as well
as sent mail so I can go to any folder and have a full history of my
correspondence with that person.
Somehow I don't think this will be possible but one never knows. Anybody out
there with clever ideas? If I export my .dbx files from my other computer
and import them to my mainstay computer, the existing .dbx files on my main
computer will be overwritten for sure.
Why are email files lumped all into .dbx files instead of being saved
individually like word documents etc anyway?