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Old February 12th 07, 04:04 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 15
Default Suggestiion to MS/MVP's

OK, I give up. You guys win.

What I was suggesting was not an auto delete (Dave's response) but one the
user could control.
IOW- once you've viewed the e-mails you want, then click a button to move
rest into deleted item folder en mass.

It was just a thought,

"Steve Cochran" wrote in message
You can't do it with a single button, but you can go to View | Current
View | Hide read messages, then Edit | Select all (CTRL-A), and then right
click on the selection and chose move to folder. Then go back to View |
Current View | Show all messages. That's not very many clicks.


"L..." wrote in message
Due to a large amount of SPAM that gets by filters and rules, could MS
come up with a short-cut (button) that would throw all unopened/unread
and/or unviewed e-mails from your inbox folder to your deleted items
Similar to the right click on deleted items folder to delete all e-mails.

Please don't tell me that has already been done and I've missed it.
