Combine & Decode, Need Help ...
"Jim Hughes" schreef in bericht ...
Good Day ...
Since updating IE6 to IE7, I have not been able to 'combine & decode' newsgroup files.
Here is what I do and and get when using IE7:
1. I create a temp folder in my Local Folders
2. I copy desired files from desired newsgroup into the temp folder
3. I select all files and then select Combine & Decode from the Message area
4. The message ... seaarching for hyperlinks ... appears and usually will run till hell freezes over; I have to 'X' off Outlook Express to stop the process
5. End result ... messages not Combined & Decoded and therefore, file not available to save
With IE6 ... using Steps 1 - 3 above, the messages will be Combined and Decoded and, I am then able to save that file.
Thanks for your time and consideration.