A couple of things you can try in OE:
1) Tools, Accounts, Mail, Properties, Advanced, increase the server time
out. If it's set to 30 seconds, increase to 1 or 2 minutes.
2) Tools, Options, General, increase the check for new messages to 10
or 15 minutes.
The new mail server being faster, shouldn't cause any problems. Even if
it were infinitely fast, then the network would be the limiting factor.
In that case, the potential would be for network problems where packets
are getting lost. You might check the network diagnostics to see if you
are getting usually high error rates.
Things to look for on the server would be in Windows or the mail server
software for anything that limits threading or simultaneous network/TCP
Mike -
"Terry On Windigo" wrote in message
After upgrading our server to win2003 and our mail package to the
latest version, everyone in the office is experiencing timeouts and
the OE quits responding. The error basically says, "Server
unexpectedly terminated the connection...". Then it just sits there.
I have two theories, and lets see if anyone has any ideas.
First each of our office personnel checks about 5 different accounts.
They set the frequency to around 4 or 5 minutes to recheck. This much
has not changed from the old setup to the new setup.
The old setup was Server2000, 2 drives mirrored, 1 gig memory.
Mailsite mailserver 4 years old.
New setup is Server2003, Raid 5EE, 2 gigs memory, Latest version of
Mailsite mailserver.
This never happened on the old setup. Now it happens to each person
between 5-10 times a day. Usually they just close OE, come back in
and it works for a while. Mailsite of course blames OE and suggested
moving to Outlook. They say we are the only ones they have ever heard
about with a problem like this.
Mailsite claims that recent advances in coding has made their software
many times faster than several years ago. With our newer cpu, memory,
raid, etc., my personal theory for now is the system outpaces the
softwares (OE) ability to keep address it. There is one person in
the office who only monitors one account and he never locks up or
timesout, or gets his connection terminated. Can we feed a quarter or
halfsecond pause between checking each of the accounts? Again this is
just my theory.