authentication error in OL07
Hello all:
Had been running Office 2003 and now have installed Office 2007 on my
desktop. OL 2003 had been operating perfectly. After the installation,
I am getting an authentication error when trying to send out emails
from OL 2007. I compared the settings on my laptop (running Office
2003) and they are the same. I am curious if there is another setting
in Outlook/Office 2007 that I am unaware of.
BTW, if I remove the "smtp" before my server name, I get the following
Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing
(SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact
your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
If I have the "smtp" before my server name I get this error message:
Send test e-mail message: None of the authentication methods supported
by this client are supported by your server.