Office 2007 Outlook restarts with error in ntdll.dll; Windows 2003
I have a problem with Outlook 2007 crashing every now and then, it says that
it needs to shut down and then sends an error report to Microsoft.
The error used to be caused by ntdll.dll file before , but recently I only
seen an error caused by the kernel32.dll.
I managed to get this from the Event Viewer log
Bucket 342365152, bucket table 1, faulting application outlook.exe, version
12.0.4518.1014, stamp 4542840f, faulting module kernel32.dll, version
5.1.2600.2945, stamp 44ab9a84, debug? 0, fault address 0x00012a5b.
My configuration is Dell Dimension 9200 connected to a Windows 2003 server.
Outlook is connected through the exchange server. We have two of these Dell
computers (one with Outlook 2003 and mine is on Outlook 2007) connected to
the server and we share the same email address through the exchange server.
Is this a known issue with Outlook 2007? Could it be cause by the fact that
we are both working in the same email account?