Help! I can't import my contacts to Outlook 2007.
Okay, here is my situation. My computer was very unstable for the last few
weeks. Sudden crashes loss of work etc. As a result I had to reinstall my
Windows XP. Before doing this I was able to back up a lot of my information.
I backed up all of my contact information on a disk. I now have office 2007
installed and cannot import my contact information. When I go to do an
import, the import wizard tells me my files are not compatible. I then went
to where I saved my information and noticed that the contacts were saved as a
..txt file. I am not sure that I had an option to save them any other way.
My question is, how do I go about converting this file into a recognizable
file that Outlook will read. I have tried to open this file in Excel but
there are questions regarding how to open this file that I don't understand.
I believe when I saved the file, I saved them with a semicolon or: to
separate the values. Each time I try to delineate this option when opening
the file in Excel it doesn't seem to open correctly. Is there any way to
convert this file so I can import it into my Outlook contacts. I have been
racking my brains and trying the numerous things but none seem to work.
Please help, I have hundreds of contacts that have taken years to compile and
I can't upload them.