I use Outlook as my email software, and have a large number of message
rules set up to move messages to the correct folders, etc.
I am getting a new laptop tomorrow, and want to use it now as the
computer I do all my emailing from.
I've found info on how to reconnect my old PST file onto the new
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ou...71141033.aspx). My
question is whether this will move all of my message rules to the new
machine, and what I need to do to create the various folders on the
new machine. Can I copy over the old file structure of these folders
to the new machine too? Is that part of the PST file info? Or do I
have to create all these folders by hand?
Please point me to any relevant articles etc.
Oh, what about copying my contacts / address book to the new computer?
The new computer is Vista, the old one is XP... i hope that doesn't
cause grief.
Dave Olson