Moving Outlook to a New Computer
Rules are carried with the .pst file but may need to be activated "on this machine" to work properly. Open the Rules and Alerts to see if your rules are checked. If not, check each one.
The .pst file has all of your Outlook data including all of your mail folders and folder structure. The only thing you may have to do is to add the Outlook Address Book service to your new laptop installation. Control Panel-Mail Icon-Accounts-Directories-View or change. If you OAB service does not show, back up one step and add it.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After furious head scratching, M C Hamster asked:
| On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 15:38:22 -0800, "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| wrote:
|| Your answers depend on the version of Outlook you are using, which
|| you decided was not important enough to cite. So, the answer is a
|| qualified yes, and perhaps no.
| Sorry, it's MS Outlook 2003, with SP2, for PCs, part of Microsoft
| Office 2003 Standard Edition. As I said, my current computer is XP
| Professional, the new one is Vista. Need more info to help? I
| appreciate it, thanks.