I read the reference and it sounds exactly what I woud like to do however, it
did not advise me on how to make the distribution list from the group sorted
by the category. For example if I view my contacts filtered by category, I
have not been able to select that group and add them to a distribution list
without individually selecting them for a list of all my contacts. I
searched the help files for anything on "dynamic distribution lists" and
could not find anything. Do you have a source for further instructions.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Then read the reference I gave you.
Russ Valentine
"structure1098" wrote in message
I want a distribution list so that I can send an email to a group without
having to select each one separately.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Categories are a better way to group Contacts than are DL's and largely
obviate the need for a DL. Why not use the Category instead?
Russ Valentine
"structure1098" wrote in
Can I create a distirbution list based on a Category of people from my
assigned categaories. I have all my contacts in one file. I sort them
frequently by Category. I would like to create a distribution list
everyone that is in a specific category. When I go to create a
list, I have to select from everyone in my Contacts folder no mater
I have set up. That is cumbersome.