Quick way to add user to multiple shared calendars
blackjackburger wrote:
Is there a quick way to add a user to multiple shared calendars?
I have say 10 calendars that are shared amongst staff in a customer
services department. New member joins the department and needs
access to all calendars. I currently either have to go roun each PC
and add the user or if they are remote users log onto a PC as that
user and add the new user manually.
I am looking for a solution where I can add new user to all 10
calendars at once. Possible?
Use Security Groups in AD. Set up a security group that represents the
collection of employees that should access the calendar. Allow the security
group access to the appropriate calendars via the calendar permissons. Then
when a new employee joins, you can simply add that person to the appropriate
security group and you're all done.
Brian Tillman