Missing email
JWD wrote:
I am currently trying to change from Netscape Mail (which I have loved using
for years) to Outlook XP 2002. While I am experimenting, I have made Outlook
my default email but also check Netscape for incoming mail, to make sure
Outlook is receiving properly. Well, it isn't. I find important emails that
come into my Netscape box (which I have changed so it is no longer my
default) that never arrive in my Outlook box. This makes me fearful of
changing over completely, as I believe I will be missing emails. Am I doing
something wrong? Thank you.
You're probably not leaving a copy on the server for Outlook to pick up
when Netscape's already downloaded it. Can't advise on Netscape (don't
use it) but that's a common scenario.
PH, London