There is no reason to send Andy your signature.
Andy doesn't know where on your hard drive the signature jpg is stored.
The signature jpg is not inserted into the email, just the location.
If you try to Save As in Notepad and don't put the file name in quotes, you
must change the file type to All Files.
If you don't change the file type, your htm file will be .htm.txt .
Andy's instructions should have included this:
Then save the file and give it an htm file extension. Change the file types
to All Files.
Then save the file. Locate the file and change the .txt file extension to
..htm .
Ronald Sommer
[email protected] wrote in message
: Hi Nina,
: Don't despair! If you wish you can scan your signature, send it to me
: (E-Mail, not NG) and I'll prepare the .htm file which you can then use as
: your signature.
: Andy I.
: "Nina" wrote in message
: ...
:: Thanks for that. If that's the easiest way I dread to think what the
:: difficult way is. Sorry it's way too complicated for me. I won't
:: Nina