outlook.exe starts when i start my machine
Open the Start menu, click All Programs, then the Startup folder...is
Outlook.exe in there? If so, remove it.
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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"Leo Chettiar" wrote:
Hi Friends,
I have lately started getting this problem. Outlook.exe starts when I start
my laptop, I use s IBM R52. I reinstalled windowsXP Pro & then Microsoft 2003
a few weeks back. This did not happened in my previous setup.
I checked with TCPView and it shows me open on the UDP protocol.
Now when I start my laptop I go to Task Manager and shut oulook.exe and
then start outlook.
Also when I directly start my machine without shutting it down from Task
Manger, the Adobe PDF maker & kaspersky antispam does not start.
Am desparate to find a solution for this issue.